Tips to Prevent Your Child From Choking

Pediatrics published a study that said 34 children per day are admitted to emergency departments for choking.  Due to the fact that a child’s airway is significantly smaller than the airway of an adult, it is obstructed much easier.  

As a parent, choking is something you’re very aware of but not necessarily always sure how to prevent outside of cutting food into small pieces. But there is actually quite a bit you can do as a parent to prevent choking.  

Let’s start with some of the basics…

POSTURE PLEASE!  When a child is eating it is best for them to have their feet resting flat on something and with a firm back. This is why most high chairs have a firm seat and adjustable footrests.  

UTENSILS:  Don’t be afraid to provide your little one with a set of utensils, which serves multiple purposes.  First and foremost, it’s never too early to try to teach a child these type of motor skills and how to eat properly with utensils.  Additionally, though, it’s way easier to shove large quantities of food into their mouth with their hands – utensils are a challenge and will help control the amount of food that makes it to their mouths. 

DIPS & CONDIMENTS: Any type of dip or condiment will help lubricate the food so it goes down easier. 

LIMIT EATING IN THE CAR: While it may be convenient to feed your little one while on the road, try to limit the amount, and the type, of food you give your child in the car.  A ride can be bumpy and uncertain, too much motion can push too much down your child’s throat and cause choking to occur. 

AWARENESS IS KEY: It’s not just about food, check your surroundings for anything your child can swallow – think toys, money, laundry pods.  Don’t be afraid to get down on your little one’s level to see things from their perspective.  You’d be surprised how many things look like they should be put in your mouth when you view the world from the height (and mindset) of a toddler!

These are just a few of the ways you can help prevent choking from being a reality for your toddler.  For the full list of tips, click here!