TikTok Parenting Hack: Keeping Kids Out of the Kitchen

The average person actually spends about 89 minutes, per day, scrolling through the TikTok app. Now, depending on what area of TikTok you fall into, you might get some useful and (dare we say) innovative ideas that you can apply to your everyday life.

One of the most recent TikTok videos to go viral includes a mom, her baby gate and some painter’s tape.  Stay with us, it’s not as strange as it sounds.

 Kitchens and toddlers generally make for a bad combination, and most parents opt for a baby gate to keep their little ones from getting hurt, or getting into trouble, especially during mealtime prep. One parent got sick of the baby gate option and decided to create a more abstract baby gate using painter’s tape on the ground as a boundary line.  Check out the video below!

 It’s pretty incredible to think that a few strips of tape could actually keep your toddlers at bay, but this boundary definitely seems to work…in most cases.  While most people who commented on the video swore the painter’s tape worked, others said it took time for their toddlers to understand what the tape meant and that it was a boundary that shouldn’t be crossed.

Pretty genius hack, and a lot of teachers commented commending the mother since this is actually a tactic used in classrooms to help teach personal space.