St. Patrick's Day Craft: Rainbow Rocks

Sharing and kindness never go out of style, something Made With Happy likes to remind people with her random acts of kindness crafts. One of these random acts involves a painted rainbow rock and a little bit of quality time with your toddler. 

This painted rocks craft is such a fun activity for you and your toddler - due to the small size of the canvas, this activity is really great for reinforcing hand-eye coordination. 

Here’s What You’ll Need

-Some rocks that are large enough to paint, but small enough to fit in your hand

-Acrylic paint 

-Paint brushes

-Paper plate for paint

-Cup of water 

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, paint a rainbow, or a shamrock on your rocks.  Really, the beauty of this craft is that the possibilities are truly endless.

When you’re done painting, and everything is dried, take your toddler and hide your rocks around town.  This is a great opportunity to enforce the power of kindness and random acts!