Everyone Needs a Sanity Break – Especially Parents

Childrearing is no joke.  After all, this is one of those gigs that’s pretty close to 24/7. No days off – not even sick ones. 

It’s important, though, that parents make sure they’re caring for themselves with the same level of concern they use when they’re thinking of their children.  Parent guilt is a real thing! 

It might feel impossible to even get a few hours away to decompress but you’ve got to make it work. Your mind, your body and your soul will thank you.  And it doesn’t take much.  Check out some of the recommended ways parents say they make sure they get their self-care in below.  

  • Parent-Cations: Schedule time away with your significant other well in advance.  Planning is going to be your partner in crime when it comes to ensuring you get some much needed time together.  Do not leave arrangements until last minute.  You are more likely to fully commit when you’ve put the effort in up front and everything is done.  If you can only afford a few evenings per month due to scheduling, make sure you’re consistent.  Block those times out on your calendar so it’s non-negotiable to miss!

  • Time for Yourself: Whether you’re a male or female, ensuring you have planned time for your spouse is only half the battle.  You need time to YOURSELF.  Time to hang out with friends on your own, time to treat yourself to something special, or just time to sit in silence.  Make sure these are planned well in advance too. 

  • Day To Day: Staycations are great, but you’re not always going to be able to get away for a few days.  You also, mentally, might need a break sooner.  Find pockets of your day to take care of yourself.  This could be in the evening after everyone is asleep – time to read or take a soothing bath.  You could take advantage of the early mornings when nobody is awake.  Ensure you’re not thinking about yourself only when you’re in some sort of distress. 

Potentially the most important recommendation is to ensure you’re communicating.

Communicate with your partner about how you’re feeling and what you need.  Ensure you’re communicating with anyone watching your children – family/friends and babysitters need certain bits of information in order to help.  Open communication with everyone in your daily life will help you immensely. 

Remember, you are not parenting alone – it takes a village!