Beaded Snowflake Craft

If these past two years has taught us anything, it’s that we can find so much happiness in being at home with our loved ones.  This year, spend some time at home with your minis creating snowflake memories.  This craft is great to hang from trees, ceiling fans, giftwrap embellishments and gifts for friends and family. 


Here’s What You’ll Need: 

·      Wire snowflake forms (get these from Amazon)

·      Beads

·      Needle nose pliers 

·      Ribbon for hanging


Super Simple Directions:

1.     Before you start applying your beads to each prong of the snowflake, keep in mind that you’ll need to leave about ½” at the end.  Before you sit down with your little ones to start, do some work beforehand to determine how many beads can fit on each prong and have your little one build out their prongs before stringing them on.  This is a good time to talk about all the different colors and textures!

2.     Have your little one add the beads onto one of the snowflake arms and use the pliers to bend and close the end of the wire into a bit of a loop shape. 

3.     Do this for each of the six arms. 

4.     When you’re all done, insert a string through the end of the loop so you can hang your snowflake!